Niles Bolton Named Most Admired CEO by Atlanta Business Chronicle

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Since 1975, the guiding principle at Niles Bolton Associates has been if you do a good job, clients will hear about it. The supportive, forward-looking leadership of Chairman and CEO, Niles Bolton, is why we’ve been able to make that happen. Thanks Atlanta Business Chronicle for confirming what we’ve always known. We think Niles is an admirable CEO too.

Check out a snippet from his Q&A with Atlanta Business Chronicle:

What does leadership and being a leader mean to you?
As a founder I had a different direction I wanted to pursue 45 years ago that was very different from the reality today. Now I know and understand the responsibility a leader carries for his company, shareholders, employees and clients. You certainly have to grow with the job and if you are successful the leadership has to be shared and transferred.

Please give some details about one of your top accomplishments of the past year that you are most proud of.
Managing creative talent is a difficult task that is best handled in a collaborative environment for us. The shift to working from home created new dynamics for the teaming and including clients in the design process which they have handled well. More challenging was assisting our clients with construction administration service in 28 states with constantly changing rules for permitted travel without quarantine for site visits to maintain construction schedules. We had to be creative and we were.

What top piece of advice would you share with other CEOs?
There are a lot of different leadership styles. Understand your own traits. Can it work with your organization and culture? Then lead with purpose, values, and integrity!

Niles was also asked about what advice he would give his 22-year-old self. Find out his answer in the video below!

Click here to read the full Q&A. You can also watch the virtual awards ceremony here (Niles is honored at 16:30).

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