Birmingham Phase II Intermodal Facility
Birmingham, Alabama
Phase II of the Birmingham Intermodal facility consists of a new 52,232 sf Amtrak/Greyhound terminal and a 39,630 sf bus transfer center providing connectivity with the local bus system and Megabus. This contemporary transportation hub will occupy three blocks in downtown Birmingham. Amenities include retail, community meeting rooms, and a police sub-station.
Future phases of the facility include commuter rail, high-speed rail, and streetcar services. Urban design and streetscape enhancements are also planned to integrate the project into the City’s new Railroad Reservation Park/Regions Field Ballpark district.
Space Programming
FTA Consultation
Architect of Record - bus transfer center
Transportation Planning
City of Birmingham
Urban Land Institute - Atlanta, 2018 Development of Excellence Finalist
Scope / Components
- 52,232 sf Amtrak/Greyhound terminal
- 39,630 sf bus transfer center
- Accommodates Amtrak trains and buses, Greyhound, Megabus, airport shuttles, taxis, bicyclists, and pedestrians
- Street-level retail
- Community meeting rooms
- Police sub-station
- Administrative offices